The L'Abri en Ville Network
The simplicity of the L’Abri model has already attracted interested people in other regions who saw the need for community-supported housing and wished to create their own projects. Our role has been to provide a combination of information and accompaniment as these groups formed and took their first decisions.
In Chateauguay, Quebec, Les toits d’Émile was founded in 2002. Our Harbour in St. Lambert, Quebec was established in 2004. In Ottawa, Ancoura was established in 2007. Together we now form the L’Abri Network, supporting one another and new projects.

The purpose of Our Harbour is to provide a supportive long-term housing program on Montreal’s South Shore for people living with mental illness who choose to receive services in English. This includes life-management support, links with resources in the surrounding community and individual assistance in integrating with society. Our Harbour also educates the wider community about mental illness.
95 Lorne Avenue
St. Lambert, QC, J4P 2G7
Tel: (450) 671-9160
Our mission at Ancoura is to provide a nurturing and fulfilling environment for adults living with a mental illness, through stable, affordable housing and a supportive community.
30 Cleary Avenue
Ottawa, ON
K2A 4A1
Phone: 613-233-8130

Organisme communautaire offrant aux personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale des logements de qualité et à long terme au sein de la communauté ainsi que l’appui nécessaire à une existence autonome.
Téléphone :
450 699-9292
Télécopie :
450 699-1562
Adresse :
127, boul. Saint-Jean-Baptiste, bur. 14
Châteauguay (Québec) J6K 3B1