Let’s talk about the power of the ordinary. Ordinary things are important – things like having a roof over your head, food on the table and people around who care. And these thing are the things that L’Abri en Ville focuses on.
Recently, one of our residents recalled his reaction when he first became part of L’Abri. ”Why do people care? he thought. ”So many people had dismissed us, ignored us, ridiculed us. Here we are actually valued.”
It’s been 25 years since L’Abri was founded and in that time, we have made life more livable and more rewarding for hundreds of people. We’ve evolved during those years too. Just a few months ago, we took a big step and bought a condo close to downtown to house our office and provide a meeting and activity space for our residents. We think that it will provide us with more opportunities.
By supporting L’Abri, you’ll be part of the team that is there for our residents, helping them navigate the challenges of day-to-day life.
Many Ways to Support L’Abri en Ville
You can make a donation by credit card, PayPal or debit card through Canada Helps on L’Abri en Ville secure page.

If you wish you may send a cheque to :
L’Abri en Ville, 2352 Duvernay Street, Montreal QC H3J 2X1
or call us with credit card info at 514 932-2199
L’Abri en Ville is a registered charity. Enregistrement /Registration: BN89150 9572 RR0001
More Ways to Support L’Abri
L’Abri en Ville was one of the initiators of Montreal Walks for Mental Health, an annual walk to help end the stigma of mental illness. You can sponsor a walker, or simply walk with us, each October. For more information, please click here.