

Our 2024-25 board team (from left to right) front row: Dale MacDonald, Pepita Capriolo, Cecily Lawson, Richard Dufour. Back row: Sam Beitel, Sue Purcell, Luke Gruber, Maxene Rodrigues, Jane Bourke, Sandra Baines, Afric Eustace, Gulam Sohrab. Missing from photo: Sharyn Scott, Charles Pearo.

L’Abri en Ville is guided by a working Board of Directors, an Advisory Council, an Executive Director and Coordinators.

The members of the board are drawn from various sectors of the community, providing a knowledgeable and compassionate base for decision-making. The fact that many of its members are also apartment volunteers, and that two residents are members, makes the board very sensitive to the needs of the residents. The working board meets often to keep abreast of developments through reports from coordinators and standing committees, to consider new ideas, and to assure financial security (see L’Abri en Ville’s Annual Reports).

2025-2026 Board of Directors

Executive Council

Pepita Capriolo, President
Maxene Rodrigues, Vice President
Ingrid Kiffmeyer, Secretary
Gracy Pardillo, Treasurer
Cecily Lawson, Past President
Sandra Baines
Richard Dufour
Dale MacDonald

Board Members

Darlene Johnstone
Howard Perlman
Charles Pearo
Susan Purcell
Gulam Sohrab

2025-2026 Advisory Council

Allan Fielding, M.D.
Marc Laporta, M.D.
Marjorie Sharp, B.C.L., LL.M.
Sharyn Scott
Warren Steiner, M.D.
Campbell Stuart, B.C.L., LL.B.


Staff Team

Star Gale, Executive Director
Michelle Mills, Coordinator
Leah Daghman, Coordinator
Lori Goodhand, Coordinator
Sally Cooper, Office Administrator