Annual General Meeting 2019

We warmly welcome all of our supporters to the

Annual General Meeting

Monday, March 11th 2019, at 5:30 pm

at the Unitarian Church of Montreal, 5035 de Maisonneuve West, Montreal

(1 block east of Vendôme Metro Station)

After the meeting, join us for light refreshments.

RSVPs before Monday March 4th

would be appreciated

514-932-2199 or


Nous accueillerons chaleureusement

tous nos sympathisants

à l’assemblée générale annuelle de 

Lundi le 11 mars 2019 à 17h30 heures

à l’Église Unitarienne, 5035 avenue de Maisonneuve ouest, Montréal

(1 rue à l’est de la station de métro Vendôme)

Des rafraichissements seront servis à la suite de la réunion.

Prière de répondre avant le 4 mars

Pour réserver une place à l’AGA

au 514-932-2199 ou au

L’Abri en Ville Would Like to Thank Participants in 2018 Montreal Walks for Mental Health

The 2018 Montreal Walks for Mental Health took place on October 14th. It was a beautiful day and an inspiring event. L’Abri en Ville would like to thank all those who participated either through financial support or by walking to help increase public awareness about mental health and to help eliminate stigma. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.

L’Abri en Ville’s 2018 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign is Underway

L’Abri en Ville’s 2018 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign is now underway, and we are taking orders for Indian River Florida fruit. If you already have a L’Abri citrus agent, your agent should be contacting you this month to take your order.  You may also place an order by contacting the L’Abri en Ville office at 514 932-2199 or By purchasing the delicious oranges or grapefruits, and/or by volunteering to help out before or during the two day event, your time, efforts and financial support help L’Abri fulfil its mission of providing supportive housing and community to its residents.

Oranges                                       Grapefruits

Small Box      $ 35.00                 Small Box      $ 30.00

Large Box      $ 65.00                 Large Box      $ 55.00


Pickup Dates, Times and Place:

Monday and Tuesday, December 3th & 4th, 2018 from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m.

at Mountainside United Church, Lansdowne Avenue corner of The Boulevard, Westmount – parking on Lansdowne

L’Abri en Ville provides support to residents in the way of weekly visits from the coordinators, along with accompaniment to medical appointments if warranted. House meetings and individual meetings, weekly and as needed, help to provide stability for the person living with a mental illness. Sixty plus volunteers, many who have been with L’Abri since its inception 27 years ago, continue to provide the social connection and activities such as family or friends might do. Thanks to all of you for supporting L’Abri en Ville in its mission to help those living with a major mental illness. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

2018 Montreal Walks for Mental Health

SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY OCTOBER 14TH !!! It is that time of year once again, to lace up your running shoes and join us for the 10th year of Montreal Walks for Mental Health!!! This year the date is Sunday, October 14th at 11:00 and the new location is Place Emilie-Gamelin (next to Berri-UQAM metro). This is an opportunity to walk with others to help increase public awareness about mental health and to help eliminate stigma. It is also a chance to raise funds for L’Abri en Ville, which you can do by calling or sending in your donation to L’Abri letting us know that it is to support the L’Abri walkers or by donating to L’Abri through You can visit the website of the Walk to gather more information and to see recent photos of the Walk experience. Please visit Hoping to see you there!

Au Contraire Film Festival 2018

The annual Au Contraire Film Festival has announced its programming for this year’s festival which takes place in October at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. The opening night is on Tuesday October 16th and the program continues until Friday October 19th. There are always many interesting and thought-provoking films about mental illness. Please take a look at what the Au Contraire Festival has to offer and perhaps we will see you there! Visit for all information and to purchase tickets.

Citrus Drive Appreciation

L’Abri en Ville’s 2017 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign saw several hundred people lending a hand to support L’Abri in its mission of providing stable homes and a sense of community for adults diagnosed with a major mental illness. By either purchasing the delicious oranges or grapefruits, or by volunteering to help out before or during the two day event, your time, efforts and financial support are very much appreciated! Many thanks to all our customers and sales agents from the community and to L’Abri volunteers who work for the annual Citrus Sale Campaign where, along with residents, staff and local schools, many come out to help raise close to $10,000 for our organization. L’Abri en Ville provides support to residents in the way of weekly visits from the coordinators, along with accompaniment to medical appointments if warranted. House meetings and individual meetings, weekly and as needed, help to provide stability for the person living with a mental illness. Sixty plus volunteers, many who have been with L’Abri since its inception 26 years ago, continue to provide the social connection and activities such as family or friends might do. Thanks to all of you for supporting L’Abri en Ville in its mission to help those living with a major mental illness.    

Annual General Meeting 2018

We warmly welcome all of our supporters to the

Annual General Meeting

Monday, March 12th 2018, at 5:30 pm

at the Unitarian Church of Montreal, 5035 de Maisonneuve West, Montreal

(1 block east of Vendôme Metro Station)

After the meeting, join us for light refreshments.

RSVPs before Monday March 5th

would be appreciated

514-932-2199 or


Nous accueillerons chaleureusement

tous nos sympathisants

à l’assemblée générale annuelle de 

Lundi le 12 mars 2018 à 17h30 heures

à l’Église Unitarienne, 5035 avenue de Maisonneuve ouest, Montréal

(1 rue à l’est de la station de métro Vendôme)

Des rafraichissements seront servis à la suite de la réunion.

Prière de répondre avant le 5 mars

Pour réserver une place à l’AGA

au 514-932-2199 ou au


Réservez la date!

5ième édition du Festival du Film Au Contraire Du 24 au 27 octobre, 2017

Présentée à:

l’Auditorium Maxwell Cummings

Musée des Beaux Arts, 1379A Sherbrooke Ouest

Montréal, QC, H3G 2T9

Tel: 514-787-1475


Pour de plus amples informations concernant la programation cliquez ici.
