L’Abri en Ville’s 2019 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign is now underway

L’Abri en Ville’s 2019 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign is now underway, and we are taking orders for Indian River Florida fruit. If you already have a L’Abri citrus agent, your agent should be contacting you this month to take your order. You may also place an order by contacting the L’Abri en Ville office at 514 932-2199 or info@labrienville.org. By purchasing the delicious oranges or grapefruits, and/or by volunteering to help out before or during the two day event, your time, efforts and financial support help L’Abri fulfil its mission of providing supportive housing and community to its residents.
Oranges Grapefruits
Small Box $ 35.00 Small Box $ 30.00
Large Box $ 65.00 Large Box $ 55.00
Pickup Dates, Times and Place:
Monday and Tuesday, December 2nd & 3rd, 2019 from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m.
at Mountainside United Church, Lansdowne Avenue corner of The Boulevard, Westmount – parking on Lansdowne
L’Abri en Ville provides housing and support to adults living with mental illness. House meetings and individual meetings, weekly and as needed, with L’Abri’s coordinators help to provide stability for our residents. Sixty plus volunteers, many who have been with L’Abri since its inception 28 years ago, continue to provide the social connection and activities such as family or friends might do. Thanks to all of you for supporting L’Abri en Ville in its mission to provide a stable and fulfilling environment for persons with a mental illness. Your generosity is very much appreciated.