2016 Annual Citrus Fundraising Campaign

The  L’Abri en Ville Annual Citrus Sale is under way offering delicious oranges and grapefruit for the holiday season. Your support of this annual drive provides us with the means to provide stable homes and authentic community for adults diagnosed with a major mental illness. A very popular fundraiser is the Citrus Fruit Sale in December.  This is a most important event as it not only raises awareness of the work of L’Abri en Ville but in the past eleven years it has raised funds to help support our charity.  Many people in the community volunteer to help sell or organize the pick-up of the fruit along with the L’Abri residents.  And everyone enjoys the delicious oranges and grapefruit. New this fall, our supplier is offering a new variety of oranges:the  “Early Gold”. It has been on the market for less than 15 years so it’s not very present in supermarkets. It is very juicy and very sweet. It contains very little pulp and has a darker colour inside and a nicer rind than a traditional Florida Navel.  

To place your order(s) please contact the L’Abri en Ville office by:

Email (preferred method): info@labrienville.org

Fax: 514 932-2676 or phone: 514 932-2199

The deadline to order is October 27th for pick-up on Monday and Tuesday December 5 and 6. You will receive the pick up information upon placing your order. There will be no sales on location.


Follow L’Abri’s 2016 Citrus Campaign on Facebook!

Click on the Facebook icon below to show your support by confirming your ‘attendance’ and sharing this event with your friends and family!

2016 Au Contraire Film Festival

Coming this fall, the Au Contraire Film Festival, presented at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montreal, is again promising a rich new season of enlightening documentary films you will not want to miss.
Opening night on Tuesday October 25 followed by exciting evenings through the week with a fabulous Closing Party on Friday October 28. In the great tradition of the ACFF…. On Opening Night October 25th Get Ready for Something Different!
Hurry, the Box Office opens on Thursday September 15. View the complete 2016 festival line-up below. http://acff.ca/programs/

2016 Montreal Walks Digital Media


Come walk with us on Sunday October 16th  2016

As L’Abri  embarks on a new chapter by moving into its own house,
our need for funds is growing.
Help us to raise awareness and money by asking your friends and neighbours to sponsor you on the Montreal Walks for Mental Health.
 Check out the link below to hear from one of the L’Abri residents.
Please remember to save the date and start thinking about your potential sponsors.
It’s so easy!

                         Or Click Here to Donate Canada Walks for Mental Health


Together and out in nature

We have just returned from a summer getaway held for the second time at beautiful Manoir d’Youville at Ile St-Bernard. Description of our vacation site and activities. More text describing the joy on everybody’s face sharing a beatifull sunset at a volunteer’s house not far from the Manoir and out in nature is an important part of the community life at L’Abri and helps to break the cycle of isolation that people living with a mental illness can experience. eleanorsunset