Our purpose at L’Abri en Ville is to provide stable homes and authentic community for adults who are managing life with mental illness.
L’Abri rents three-bedroom apartments and furnishes them attractively. Through a series of referrals and interviews, the coordinators choose three residents for each apartment. Potential residents can apply to L’Abri en Ville themselves but are more often referred by mental health professionals, and sometimes families.
At L’Abri we are a family drawn from many places and with a variety of experiences.
Our residents are referred by hospitals, CLSCs, shelters or families, or candidates contact us themselves. They are mature adults able to live independently, but in need of social stimulation and support due to schizophrenia or other mental illnesses.
Our volunteers are caring people who learned about our project in their faith community, from friends, or through the media. Some have experienced mental illness in their families. Some have worked as nurses or social workers. Some are students. They are drawn to the warm inclusive atmosphere created by our skilled staff and volunteers.
Our purpose at L’Abri en Ville is to provide stable homes and authentic community for adults who are managing life with mental illness.
Residents of each apartment have a weekly house meeting with their coordinator to ensure that daily life is running smoothly, and to discuss upcoming events.
We believe in a society in which persons with mental illness can be full, contributing members. We extend support to others interested in adopting the L’Abri en Ville model.
L’Abri en Ville could not exist without the generosity of individuals, businesses and foundations. Donations and grants allow us to maintain our office and hire skilled coordinators, as well as to support the quality of life of our residents.
L’Abri en Ville – The Restorative Power of Community
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